TSWRJC CET 2021: The Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (TSWREIS) has extended the last date to submit Secondary School Certificate (SSC) or Class 10 final exam marks for students seeking admission to its Residential Junior Colleges.
The Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (TSWREIS) has extended the last date to submit Secondary School Certificate (SSC) or Class 10 final exam marks for students seeking admission to its Residential Junior Colleges. Earlier, the entrance exam, TSWRJC CET 2021, was cancelled. This year, admission to the Intermediate first year or Class 11 at these colleges will be given on the basis of SSC grades and CGPA. Students can upload their scores on the official website, tswreis.in, up to June 10. Earlier, the deadline to upload marks was June 7.
“The last date for online entry of SSC grades and CGPA for admission into 1st year intermediate in Arts, Science and Vocational courses in Telangana social welfare residential educational institutions for the academic year 2021-2022 has been extended from 07.06.2021 to 10.06.2021,” an official statement said.
Admission will be granted based on Class 10 marks, following the reservation criteria and the order of preference, the statement added. “The candidates who fail to furnish their grades online will not be considered for admission.”
Here are the steps to upload marks on the TSWREIS website:
Go to the official website, tswreis.in
Click on the link that reads “RJCCET - 2021 - Admission into intermediate first year - Online uploading of SSC Grades in subjects and CGPA”
Click anywhere on the next page.
A new page will open. Click on the “Online uploading of SSC grade” link under the Services section.
Enter your ID, mobile number, and date of birth. Submit.
Upload your SSC marks.
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